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MealCraft Rules  

The following rules are accepted by every player on the server:

1. Don't be rude (Especially offensive or racist remarks in particular)

2. Respect all staff members

3. Do not cheat or use any hacked clients or use cheats like X-Ray mods. This includes auto-clickers

4. Do not advertise or self promote

5. Don't be inappropriate. Example, disrespectful username or skin.

6. Please speak English

7. Don't spam or use an excessive amount of CAPITAL LETTERS

8. Don't ask to be staff

9. Don't impersonate staff

10. We prefer you not to grief. You may be punished depending on the severity and if we deem it necessary to. We absolutely encourage you to claim your land using '/kit tool' which gives you a claim shovel.

11. Have fun!

Warnings can and will be given to players when necessary.
Temporary or Permanent mutes/bans may be carried out depending on the offense.
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